Environmental Policy
Back to the Pasture - the greening
Here at Sheep Music , we are committed to being as environmentally sustainable as possible and in the process of planning the ‘Back to the Pasture’ festival we are super-keen to minimise any negative environmental impacts and maximise the positive.
To that end, we aim to achieve carbon neutrality by offsetting all fossil fuel used by every form of transport involved and any on-site catering or power generation. In addition, efforts will be focused on the incorporation of as many energy reduction technologies as we can accommodate.
We will encourage low-carbon travel plans wherever possible and will find imaginative ways to incentivise this approach.
The reduction of waste is a high priority and our recycling target is a respectable 75%. To aid in this effort we will try to be entirely glass and plastic free, avoid single-use items where possible and use materials that can be recycled wherever possible. The recycling team will be busy throughout the festival keeping the site as pristine as possible and any extra help from festival-goers is very much appreciated!
Living in the beautiful Welsh Borders, we want everyone to enjoy the festival’s lush surroundings and keep our impact on the site and local community as respectful as we can whilst also delivering a top-class festival experience.
We will work with our diverse community, traders and festival goers to seek ever more innovative ways of doing things in a clean, sustainable, diverse, harmonious, and above all, fun manner.